1. Contest limited to eight (8) teams.
2. Use of hydraulic tool systems (Hurst, Amkus, Lukas, etc.) will be limited and determined the day of the event. Example: If one of the squads can only operate three (3) tools at one time, than only three tools can operate on the car. All other tools will be on stand by until one is freed up during the contest.
3. Teams will consist of five (5) fire fighters or rescue personnel.
4. Full protective gear will be required by all participants that will operate within the hot zone. The apparatus driver may elect not to wear protective gear as long as he remains outside of the hot zone. Full Protective Gear is defined as: Helmet, safety glasses, turnout coat, gloves and turn-out pants (long pants and steel toe safety boots may be substituted for turnout pants.)
5. The officer in charge must report to the chief judge before the contest starts. The judge will inspect all participants for full protective clothing. If missing any gear from rule number 4, your team may not start and a 30 second penalty will be added to your time. When full protective gear is on, the chief judge will clear your team and you are ready to begin. SAFETY FIRST.
6. The starting line will be 25 feet from the vehicle being cut.
7. The apparatus will be positioned prior to the start with engine off.
8. The chief judge will give the starting signal and the contest begins.
9. Teams will safely perform the following:
a) Officer in charge will perform a circle check and notify a judge that the check is complete.
b) Stabilize vehicle. Wheel chocks, step chocks, etc.
c) Remove valve stems or valve stem pins.
d) All glass must be broken out. Only the windshield may stay as part of the roof removal.
e) Force driver and passenger doors.
f) Remove driver and passenger doors.
g) Remove entire roof. A, B or A, B, C posts must be cut and completely separated from the vehicle. No folding of the roof.
h) Perform a dash pull. Both driver and passenger side must be pushed or pulled.
i) All debris must be located in one area. Determined by the team officer in charge.(roof, doors)
10. The Officer in charge must notify the chief judge when done. Time will stop.
11. Penalties of 30 seconds each will be added to the time if any of the nine (9) operations are not performed. Rule 9 carries a maximum penalty of 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
12. Any unsafe acts determined by the Chief judge will also carry a 30 second penalty for each violation.
13. At all times you must envision there are two (2) victims, both a driver and passenger, seated in the front of the vehicle. You must cover the two victims with a sheet and not violate their space. No EMS is required.
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